Janusz Kołodziejczyk MD biography:

Janusz Kołodziejczyk graduated from the Military Medical Academy in 1976. He specialized in family medicine, gynecology and obstetrics. He also trained in manual medicine, homeopathy, hypnotherapy and clavicotherapy . He gives much interest to nutrition (since 1986 he is a vegetarian), medically supervised fasting, apitherapy, psychotherapy, psycho-education, supplementation, iridology, bioenergetics (touch healing), reiki and polarity. The medicine he practices is psychosomatic and his qualification and knowledge let him to satisfy his patients both with mainstream and alternative medicine. He worked in the army as a general practitioner, than in the clinical gynecology and obstetrics ward and the Capital Centre of Acupuncture. In 1985 he established in Koszalin, Poland, the first professional Natural Health Centre. Currently he runs his Omnibus Medical Centre in Lubsk near the German border. In 1984 during the Acupuncture Convention in Warsaw he shared his team’s pioeering thermographic research on ear acupuncture. He used to be chief editor of “Akupunktura Polska” and “Medycyna Naturalna”. He is the author of over 100 features on medicine, i.e. scientific papers, books: „Aurikuloterapia”, „Zarys Refleksoterapii” i „Naturalnie o medycynie…”. He is also a co-founder of the Polish Acupuncture Society. These days he grows cactuses and reads anthropology of the knowledge.

"Vasomotor reaction caused by auriculotherapy in inflammatory condition."

Each place on external ear is connected, through the nervous system, with different internal organs or parts of the body. A place on the external ear is tender when a related to this point internal organ or a part of the body is ailing. By pressing the tender place we can quickly and effectively treat the ill part of the body. The method is easy. We keep pressing the tender point with a nail or matchstick end (the principle of auriculotherapy). There is no need to undress the patient, the treatment can be performed almost everywhere and frequently is more effective than the body acupuncture. The auricular acupuncture is mostly effective in the treatment of post-traumatic states, inflammatory conditions and pain. Often swollen joint, limitations of its movement (a few hours or a day old) disappear during the first treatment session – particularly in young patients - and not rarely form the whole treatment. The Ricker’s law of stages, describes the development of inflammatory condition and clarifies the role of the circulatory system in the process.

In 1983/4 my team carried out a research on auricular acupuncture with the use of liquid cholesteric crystals. The outcome of the research allowed to form the “vasomotor reaction theory”. The theory states that the symptoms of inflammatory condition are the result of the lessened blood supply to the organ. Therefore we know now that oedema and others symptoms of inflammation, which are the consequence of the diminished circulation of the inflamed organ will disappear when a correct circulation of an organ is restored. Acupuncture not only is capable of restoring a proper circulation in the ailing person, but can also improve it in the healthy one. For that reason sport injures, for example, react well to acupuncture, which stimulates the removal of lactic acid from the muscle – thus increasing the chance for the victory of the contestant.

The skill of removing the post-traumatic oedema in several minutes is a simple, and side effects free method, welcomed by each therapist.